Manjaro 0.8.12 (Xfce 4.12) 10837 is related. The following script worked in 4.10 /home/whatever/bin/ #!/bin/sh for inpath in $@; do mediainfo-gui "${inpath}" & done with the Thunar custom action: /home/whatever/bin/ "%F" It _only_ works in 4.12 if there are _no_ spaces in the selected filename. In 4.10, the "%F" worked for files that contained spaces. So, it's not specifically mediainfo-gui - it's that custom actions isn't processing files with spaces correctly. Also, I'm getting a dangling quote at the end of filenames emitted from the custom action into the sh script. If I switch out mediainfo-gui in the script with smplayer, I see a terminating single quote at the end of the file name in the file list.
Sorry, Forum showed me how to fix. So, the custom command doesn't need double quotes around the %f or %F.. /home/whatever/bin/ %F And the /home/whatever/bin/ script that gets called looks something like: #!/bin/sh for inpath in "$@"; do mediainfo-gui "${inpath}" & done I needed the double quotes: "$@" So, this wasn't a problem.
Resolved in the forum: