Created attachment 6025 backtrace On Fedora rawhide, mousepad crashes just when attempting to start the program. This was build along with Xfce 4.12 released yesterday (Feb 28, 2015). Complete backtrace is attached. Downstream bug report -
Weird that the crash is inside a g_error() call[0]. I don't get why it crashes, but is the settings schema for Mousepad installed? On my distro it ends up in `/usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.xfce.mousepad.gschema.xml`. [0]:
Yeah, the schema is installed... /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.xfce.mousepad.gschema.xml But this led me to the problem and solution. ;) It was indeed a packaging error on our part... we installed the gschema, but it needed a run of glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas after installing. ;) We can close this now, it's working here, and sorry for the false alarm.
No worries