When playing with the context menu (Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All) mouse cursor gets stuck. Maybe it is not the fault of that context menu. I have to press Alt+Ctrl+F1 to login and "pkill mousepad" and then get back with Alt+F7.
Please, provide more info like: Which distro you're using, which version of mousepad(from the distro's repository or build from git), how can this be reproduced(I couldn't by just playing with those options).
Salix OS 14.1 Mousepad 0.3.0 http://salixos.org/ http://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.1/desktop/mousepad/ I do not know exactly how to reproduce. It happens while I copy and paste links from web browser to Mousepad.
Sorry, but I can't reproduce this. I tried to copy and paste links from firefox and chromium, but no cigar. It would be great if you could figure out the pattern of how to reproduce this bug.
It might be some encoding issue or something. I could imagine it's possible to cause weird behaviour if your clipboard data was pasted as the wrong encoding (I think it must be UTF-8 for GtkTextView/SourceView?) You might try to paste your clipboard that makes it freeze into a binary viewer or another editor and see if it seems legit. It would also be interesting to know what your locale settings are (ex. in Linux, the output of `locale` from the terminal). Another thing would be to try latest master branch from Git built against GTK3, which has some hairy/buggy code removed (because GTK3 broke/sealed some needed APIs). I was able to get Mousepad to lockup before a few times when playing with that rectangular selections code that is guarded out in a GTK3 build.
Window manager: Fluxbox I forgot to mention it.
Closing this old report due to lack of activity.