When browsing a directory the context menu has options like copy, rename etc but when a dialog is displayed where one has to choose a file or folder for some operation the right click context menu does not offer these options. This looks like a fundamental design flaw - why is not the same context menu available ? Why can't I copy files or folders right from this dialog ? Why can't I open a folder right from this dialog ? Why can't I rename a file from these dialogs ? Is there some thing I miss, some customization option - if yes it should be more obvious at least. This bug makes thunar (and other unix gui file managers) look really primitive - and there should be no reason to have this limitation - windows explorer (which is the worst explorer in windows) has this functionality Am I missing something ?
The one context menu is that of thunar, the other of the gtk filechooser dialog (which all gtk applications use). Nothing we can do about it.