Reproduce bug: * In Xfce4: »Settings Manager/Window Manager/Keyboard/Switch window for same application« choose any shortcut (default: Super + Tab). * Open several instances of »evince« (or »xterm«, »gnome-calculator«, »abiword«, »vlc«). * Try to switch between the windows with your shortcut for »Switch window for same application«. Result: You cannot switch between windows for the same application. As opposed to this open several windows of »mousepad« (or »xfce4-terminal«, »firefox«, »libreoffice --writer«, ...) to see how the shortcut should work correctly. Tested with Xubuntu (32/64 Bit) and ArchLinux/xfce4 (32/64 Bit)
Duplicate of bug 11685. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 11685 ***