If you have a menu item like: <app name="huggie" cmd="xterm -bg green" term="no" /> <app name="huggie" cmd="xterm -bg green" term="yes" /> Then the first creates a green backgrounded xterm, and the second creates a black one (the one for term="yes") and then yet another black one. i.e. the parameters "-bg green" aren't passed through to xterm when run with term="yes". This is a bit of a silly example but a user of Debian found that emacs -nw wouldn't work when term="yes". This is in 4.2.2 not as there's no 4.2.2 option in the version list.
Whoops, added 4.2.2 version. I'm not sure what could be causing this. Jasper, you wrote the xfce_exec() stuff, right? Any ideas?
Ok, should be fixed now in SVN. At least it works for me. Both trunk and xfce_4_2 branches have been updated.