Hello! Please add shadow for menus and tooltips (and other kind of windows) in the compositor, like what xcompmgr and kompmgr do.
Requalify as "enhancement" (definitely not "major" bug)
Done in SVN trunk. You can play with these two options: show_frame_shadow=false show_popup_shadow=true Snapshot available here: http://www.xfce.org/~olivier/preview/xfwm4-4.3.0-r15963.tar.bz2
I just installed (with compositor enabled) the snapshot but there is still no shadow for menus. I did set the two settings (they're on by default, right?)
Nope, default is "off" for popup windows.
from src/settings.c #1267 {"show_frame_shadow", NULL, TRUE}; doesn't this mean the default value is on?? Anyway, it's works for me now, after I removed the checking myself :)
(In reply to comment #5) > doesn't this mean the default value is on?? No, you misunderstand the code, TRUE means the value is required. Defaults are set in defaults/defaults, they aren't hardcoded.